
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Enchanted woods of Anshi and Kulgi

I spent 5 blissful days in evergreen forest of Anshi Nature Park. No network, no newspapers, no TV, no elecricity and no contact with the outside world. Days were spent observing, learning and enjoying the serene forests of this region. Also went to the dry decidious forests of Kulgi and the moist decidious forest of Ulavi & Synthery. Nightfall would bring out the fireflies, the 'at times errie' jungle sounds and galaxies of stars and satellites. Early mornings, we would get out in the chilly weather to spot the birds which call out from the tree canopy with their whistling, knocking, metallic clanging, laughing, squealing and more such sounds they are capable of. Felt sad leaving it all behind on the last day and returning to our 'normal' lives. How I wish I normal life was back there in the wildlife, and everyday I could hear those sounds, see those sights and breathe only pure oxygen!

Anshi at dawn
Pavetta Indica

Strobilanthes ixiocephalus
Asplecias curassavica
Synthery Rocks 
Nymphaea lotus


Eriocaulon sp

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